Couples Engagement Session Old Town Alexandria, Virginia: Ashley & Sawyer



She snapchatted & storied away…
…oblivious to Sawyer’s pounding heart as they neared THE spot.
(sound familiar?)
He thought of everything – A picnic. At a winery. And everything she meant to him.

Did I mention that their proposal and wedding day are almost EXACTLY two weeks apart from mine & Stephen’s? Yeah. Ashley & Sawyer are gems if there ever were ones.

And they have a cat.

So you can only imagine my excitement in sharing their Old Town, Alexandria, engagement photos with you today! The quaint cobblestone streets and little nooks & corners embody the essence of what it is to be in love.

Long walks – hand in hand.
Conversations about everything and also nothing at all.

“Sawyer and I met back in 2004 (whaaaa) when we lived across the hall from each other in the dorms at Radford University. Throughout college, Sawyer and I were friends but ran in different circles and only crossed paths every so often.  Fast forward 6 years, our paths crossed again on December 11, 2010 while out to dinner with a group of friends.  I remember seeing him for the first time in years and thinking, “Hmmm, wonder what this cutie’s been up to…” 

“That night I asked Sawyer for his number to which he said, “I don’t give girls my number at bars.”
I promptly told him it was his loss.
But don’t worry, I walked away with his number after all.

Two weeks later he took me out on our first date.
I remember that night to a T.

It was then that I realized, “…this is how a man is supposed to treat a woman.”
He put thought and time into the date and made it special with the resources he had.

A month later I was leaving for a work vacation and realized I was going to miss him more than I ever thought I would. 

What can I say?
Sawyer had wiggled his way into my heart…”

“I believe that everything in life happens for a reason, and when Ashley and I started dating late in 2010 it was no exception to this belief. At the time Ashley was a successful, beautiful, empathetic woman and I was living in my Dad’s basement.

I’m so lucky that she was willing to take a chance on a guy like me.”

“At the time, I did not have much more to my name than sincerity and ethics. Ashley, being a wholesome person, could see that despite all my shortcomings I had true affection for her.”

“Ashley was gracious and kind enough to give a loser like me the opportunity to make her smile, and I’m absolutely elated that she did!

Over the next several years, we were almost literally attached at the hip; communicating every day by all means available – phone, text, gchat, facebook, you name it.”  

“Ashley has been instrumental in developing me into the man I am today. After dating for years on end, people would ask me, “What are you waiting for?” And, to be honest, at the time I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for. Yet in retrospect I can honestly say, I needed the years of dating to become a man worthy of Ashley’s love and companionship…

Ashley has been perfect all along, and it was ME that needed to “wait” while I became someone worthy of her hand in marriage.”

“Over the next six years, Sawyer and I became best friends. I am so thankful for that time because through it we learned so much about each other.

And as crazy as it sounds,
after about a month of dating,
I knew I wanted to marry Sawyer.

He brightens my day by just walking in the room and I’m happy to say that goofy grin still spreads across my face today.”

“Ashley is my BEST friend and I’ve never had so much fun with someone.
She makes me a better person everyday and I’m still striving to be as great as she is.

I know that when we’re 100 we’ll be even closer than we are right now.” 

The day Sawyer proposed is a day I will never forget. We went to Naked Mountain Winery for a day-date.  After our tasting, we went into the barrel room (p.s. our engagement party is being held there!) and tried some more wine – straight from the barrel! 

The owner suggested we walk among the vines.
I thought that sounded nice and proceeded to snapchat the gorgeous day’s views.

As we walked along the vines, we stumbled upon a picnic.
Instantly I thought, “Aw, that’s so sweet – a picnic for some lucky couple in love.”

Little did I know,
WE were that couple…”

“As I tried to pull Sawyer away from someone else’s special moment,
he got down on one knee and the tears began to flow. 

All I remember is him saying, “I asked you here today because I want to spend the rest of my life with you…will you marry me?”

Lots of tears and head nods later we were engaged!”

“Each day I wake up with excitement of our future and the life we’re building together. 

Sawyer is so different than me that it makes us a perfect match. 

It’s so cheesy to say, but honestly, Sawyer completes me and is more than just my better half. He is truly, and completely, my very best friend!”

My dear, dear, Ashely & Sawyer – What can I say? Spending the entire evening with you was amazing. Your joy for each other is contagious to be around and the love you share is inspirational! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share in your story. And if I do say so myself, early next year is looking mighty happy! 😉 Congrats!

–Tara M


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  • Beautiful you two! So nicely written and captured through these images! Beyond happy for you both 🙂 Xox

    • Brittany, thank you so much for the kind words & love for these two favorites! Their session was so dreamy, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so!


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