About two weeks ago I asked you (over on the Insta)
what it was that you wanted to see MORE of.
And you guys answered.
One of those main categories you asked for was STYLE.
And oh did that warm my heart!
September first seemed like an appropriate time to begin planning for fall fashion
& spending some time getting refreshed in my style inspiration!
Below are five style & lifestyle bloggers I follow.
READ: I am obsessed with their feeds & boards (click on names for links)!
(All of these shoutouts are voluntary, not paid endorsements.
All photos are screenshots & are all owned by each blogger respectively)
- Michelle – Take AIM. Based in Los Angeles.
I love her mix of styles & travel oriented.
Also, I feel like we have the same vocab & sense of humor.
2. LivvyLand – Based in Austin, Texas.
Well first off, if I ever change my name I’ve always imagined myself as an Olivia.
Second: Her casual style, self-proclaimed sentimentalism, and home aesthetic make me swoon.
3. New Darlings – Based in Phoenix, Arizona.
A husband and wife team dedicated to documenting their life together, home, & travels. I can’t get enough of their blog & the authentic, you’re-a-real-human approach to sharing their loves & lessons learned.
4. Crea (CRAY-uh) Magazine – Julie Tecson. Based in Los Angeles.
Fact: Julie is adorable.
Fact #2: I just found Crea Mag this week and can’t get enough. The magazine shares stories, advice, resources, & connects other creatives in the desire to inspire and do rad things with your life.
Fact #3: I might be enjoying some touches of pink every now and then….call me crea…
5. Jess Keys – Based in Chicago.
Style. Health. Self Care. Jess does it all well & feels like a pretty darn happy & carefree best friend. You know what I mean? Also, she’s unashamedly in love and I think it’s just the cutest.
Who do you follow & why?
I’m always looking for more inspiration AND as I plan the upcoming months of Weekend Wear content, let me know what you’d enjoy seeing me feature & do, yeah?!
K, thanks.
In the meantime, I’ve been pinning like mad on my Style & Fashion board. 😉
Happy Weekending! I’m off to shoot a wedding in Richmond!
–Tara M