
Family Photographs Session Richmond, Virginia



As some of you may know, I live with a family (that is not my biological family) in Richmond, Virginia. And let me tell you, it’s been an incredible and crazy experience. The amount of changes that have happened in my own life (such as, you know, career) and their lives (such as, you know, growing up wayyyy too fast) is simply mind blowing. I became their “oldest” and, naturally, the family photographer for the past three years now. And each year the backyard helps with updating the scrapbooks with new “school” photos. These siblings-in-love have seen me at my worst and best and are often models for anything new I want to try. Basically, they’re pretty great and I want you to meet them (minus Eliza who’s away at college) today!

Luke: Hilarious, avid swimmer, video-game enthusiast, contagiously curious, fashion conscious, and someone who, with every hug, measures who is taller (yours truly still has the upper hand).

Emma: A prodigy artistically, kind and thoughtful, has spot-on sense of humor, high-heel fanatic, adventurer, talented pianist, and a sidekick for life’s musings.

Also, she’s ridiculously gorgeous…

Creating Luke & Emma’s fall portraits each year has become a highlight and a fun break from wedding photography (though I love that too!).

Food for Thought: Take a moment or two this holiday season to really hang out with those you love (take a selfie, at least, too!) and let them know just how much you appreciate them. Time is too precious not to create and document memories shared together.

–Tara M.


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