IT’S MY BIRTHDAY || Why I Can Finally Be Proud Of Turning 25



I’ve never ever cried about a birthday before
…until this year.

But also, I’ve never felt more exciting emotions too…
Read: “OMG! I’M IN THE PRIME OF LIFE!” type of feels.
Clearly, I’m a tad mixed up about it all. 

So I’ma gonna ride the coat tails of the latter statement and share a few thoughts that I’m actually grateful – proud, even – about these 25 years. 
Because birthdays are a really big deal.

–> Side note <—
Like, for real. 
Growing up, I would make sure my friends knew when my birthday was.
It was not just any other day of the year.
It was my freaking birthday. **confetti & candles** 
WHY would you not want to celebrate it with me?! 

Back to the point:
After much self analysis & deliberation, I can honestly say,
I do feel like I AM living the life I imagined I would be when I was 20. And while I have many things I thought would ALSO be true for me, I’m grateful for the upcoming years to continue working & improving in those areas. 🙂

So yeah, turning 25 isn’t basically the end of life after all…

Before you continue reading and think that I’m bragging or am entitled,
I’d like to ask one question that was posed to me:

When was the last time you took time to write down what you’re honestly, effing proud of in your life? 

So, at 25, here’s my answers
[Full disclosure: it’s taken me a few weeks to actually realize that I had ANYTHING to write. Because guys, that’s how much of a downer this birthday has felt. So give a girl some grace.]

1) I’m actually married this year!! And I never want to take that for granted. It’s the best thing ever.

2) I have my own apartment – and it’s decorated. Woah. 

3) I am a plant momma to Harry, Lou, Ollie & Edgar.

4) I’m married, have my own place AND shop at the farmer’s market! (backstory: I’ve always felt like this was the epitome of a married and happy wife-life.) So yes, I feel so rad carting around my 3 pounds of kale, thank you. #kalechipsarelife

5) I run my own business –> full time. WHAT. 

6) I’ve figured out a way to channel my insatiable hopeless-romantic feels with the work I do. Read: I help people know how to kiss in front of a camera. And it’s great. 

7) If asked, I can clearly articulate what I like, what I don’t, and what I’m good at (skills & personality traits wise). Read: I’m more confident & happy with who I am.

8) In the past 5 months, I have successfully learned how to cook, make it pretty AND taste yummy. Basic stuff, mind you, but it’s progress all the same.

9) I’ve tried sushi and didn’t hate it (big news guys!)

10) I haven’t lost my ability or my passion to DREAM, despite the ways I may feel like things didn’t pan out as I had initially thought. And as such, it’s one of the things I’m most proud of, what keeps me going, and what I most want to empower others to do. 

So yeah. 
Happy Birthday to me (tomorrow, July 29)!
Catch me on the Insta Story! 

–Tara M


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  • So, yeah, 25, tomorrow. A momma has a lot of feelings about that. Of course I can’t remember everything from the last 25 years but there are many, many memories. I’m grateful. You’re the best daughter I could have ever imagined. Kind, honest, confident, creative, compassionate, and mine (and Dad’s, too). Thanks for being you. So, here’s to many more years. You’ll keep growing…and changing. In all the best ways. Loving God and loving people helps that keep moving in positive directions. We will have a kombucha toast to that! ????


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