Sun-kissed Adventurous Couples Engagement Session St. Louis, Missouri: Taryn & Andrew


There are couples who laugh together.

And then there are couples who constantly laugh together.


“Jokingly I asked, “Man, does he have
any single sons?!…”

Meet Taryn & Andrew.
A couple who’s love story is as adorable as it is hopeful.

And their adventurous engagement session at Klondike State Park was the perfect mix of sun-kissed romance & uproarious humor.

St Louis Engagement

It’s what everyone says when you’re feeling hopeless:

“Taryn – when you least expect it, you’ll meet the ONE.”

But life just felt like I was never going to find my prince charming.

“Two and half years ago one of my best friends invited me to her family lake house for a girl’s weekend in celebration of her birthday. Of course I said yes!

Once we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to see a friend of the family I hadn’t seen in a long time. We started catching up. What was new and good in our lives and she just had this glow about her. She mentioned she just started dating a guy and things were going really well and had nothing but great things to say about him.

Jokingly my response was “Man, does he have any single sons?”

She looked at me with really big eyes and said, “…Actually, yes!”

As the weekend went on, we couldn’t stop talking about how cool it would be if this actually worked out?!”

“It had been a while since I had a girlfriend. I had been on a couple of terrible dates here and there and one night I told my dad and his girlfriend that, “I just want to find someone…”

Not even a week later, my dad called. Someone had come mind…”

About a week later I was out with some friends when my phone rang with an unfamiliar number.

Instantly I had a feeling – this might be Andrew.

My gut was right and there I was at a winery in Wentzville, Missouri, saying hello for the first time to the person I would eventually be calling my husband. We chatted for a few minutes and I asked him if I could call him back once I got home.

I couldn’t get home fast enough – as soon as my feet stepped through the door, I called him back.

“We had one of those long conversations (2-3 hours I believe) where we talked about anything and everything: our crazy love for St. Louis Blues hockey, how we’re both super fans of Dave Matthews Band music and finally how we both were tired of being the “3rd wheel” whenever we went out with friends. We both have a sense of humor about third-wheeling though.

I found myself thinking about how easy talking to him was.

You know it’s a good conversation when you get off the phone and your face hurts from smiling so much…”

“I knew Taryn was special when she knew enough about Blues hockey to discuss off seasons trades, favorite players, and our lack of a solid goalie…. a gorgeous girl that knew hockey is my perfect woman/unicorn/Great white buffalo…. the impossible to find.

The first time I saw her I was instantly blown away by that huge smile, adorable dimples, and obviously…that booty. 

Since our first date she’s been my perfect fit. When she gets down, I get her laughing. When I want to be lazy, she gets me off the couch. She keeps me organized while I keep her spontaneous.”

Andrew and I had our first date a few days after that initial phone call. And, as they say, the rest is history. He was the first to say I love you but I absolutely knew he was the ONE after that first date.

Andrew’s smile (and dimples) are contagious and can light up a room. His selfless and giving personality is something I admire more than anything. He makes me want to be a better person every day.

“To this day, I still look back and think how one innocent girl’s weekend completely changed my life in the BEST possible way.

…and yes, when I was least expecting it.” 

Taryn & Andrew —
Spending the evening together hearing even more about your love story, jamming out to Dave Mathews, and just hanging out couple-to-couple was awesome! We’re big fans of you two and can’t wait to celebrate with you, this time next year! Let the adventures continue!
–Tara & Stephen

Pattengale Photography adventurous engagement session

Feel free to leave some love for these two in the comments!

Happy Friday, everyone!
–Tara M

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  • Hey Cuz,

    Totally got the warm fuzzies reading your & Andrew’s love story. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you found such a wonderful man! Andrew, I am so glad you make my cousin happy! Best wishes ❤️

    You’re pictures are beautiful!!!

    • ALL the warm fuzzies over here too! So glad we aren’t the only ones! So glad you loved the photos. 🙂

  • Just a sweet amazing couple. Taryn I can’t wait to meet you. Uncle Ron and I are so looking forward to your wedding. ????

    • We’re so excited to meet everyone at the wedding! Thank you for your kind words & leaving a comment for Taryn & Andrew. 🙂

  • We just love Andy and have enjoyed many years of hockey, him hanging out at the house with Jacob and too many White Castles! We know what a good guy you are Andy and we are so happy you two found each other. Your pictures are beautiful and so is your bride to be! Best wishes for you both.

    • Michele & Marty – friends are just the best, aren’t they?! So glad you left this sweet comment. I’ll be sure to pass it along to them!!

  • Totes, Magotes, Adorbes… You go together like lamb & tuna fish ????

    • This is about the best comment ever! Haha!! So glad you like the photos and can’t wait to meet everyone next year! 🙂

  • You guys have got to stop making me cry from happiness. I so wish Ray was here to see this and to meet our Miss T. I know she would have loved him so. And he would have had a ball with you T. I pray God will bless you and all of us with lots of beautiful children from this union and I can’t wait.
    Love and so much more to you both who make my world. God Bless You Both. Your Geeg…

    • So glad you loved the photos and thank you for your well wishes!! I’ll make sure they can see your sweet note, Geeg!

  • U two r sooooo perfect for one another! Beautiful pics of a absolutely beautiful couple! May God Bless ur Union abd bring u both all the happiness in the world!! Congrats to u both!!! Much Love ❤️❤️❤️

    • Thank you so much for your kind words for Taryn & Andrew! I’ll make sure they can see your comment. 🙂


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