TRAVEL WEAR : Slightly Morbid Confessions & Carry On Lessons



I’ll be the first to admit it, this past trip to Seattle and Portland and back was ridiculously fun, but also quite draining. I feel like I’m still recovering. I haven’t done a great job taking my own advice. Or the advice of travel articles I often nerd out over.

I can’t seem to get a grip with how to pack efficiently.
Especially when all my camera gear & laptop are involved.
And differing climates & occasions are experienced.

When I’m not backpacking & hiking mountains, I do have a few go-to mentalities.

(Photos by Betsy, edited by me)

Because let’s be honest, my satchels and bags and things that I travel with are more out of, “it’s what I have,” than a, “omg, I have the best items that make traveling a breeeeeeze.” So, I’ve had to adjust my mentality. For my own sanity & happiness.

You with me?

  • I don’t travel looking like a bum. Most of the time. –> I find that my attitude, productivity during flight (reading a book or working), and emotional state lags. That being said, comfy clothes are a must.
    • Other musts: hair-ties and bobby pins. Cardigan. Phone charger IN my carry on.
    • Recently, I traveled in my new tennis shoes. That was a #win.
  • Wear the hair DOWN –> makes for easy fixing if you go out to dinner upon arrival or easy next-day options without a ponytail indent.
    • Security: I’ve learned my lesson with too many bobby pins & hair-pat-downs. If you can’t handle it all down, pin back just a section.
  • Accessories should be minimal while still making you feel boss –> you’re welcome.
    • Security: Did you know you don’t have to take off your necklaces? Just flip them over your shoulder to the back and walk through.
    • Confession: I make sure any jewelry I wear on travel days are things that have personal significance to me. Why? Well. Call me morbid, but I would rather die with my favorite jewelry on (*cough, anything from the bae or momma) than to have it stolen or left behind to be given to them at my funeral (how SAD!)….

      Ohhhhhhkay now that you’re in my head, let’s move on.

  • My most recent carry-on lessons are quite simple –> though grievously discovered.
    • A crunchy snack, A.K.A. Kettle baked chips, are always a good idea.
    • NEVER again will I buy a yogurt parfait – last two have been sour. Read: rotten. Read: anger.
    • A new book or two you’ve either just begun or will finish on your trip home.
      Read: I may or may not have had nothing to read coming home from Portland. Yeahhhhhh.
    • Lotion & refillable water bottle : Can make any girl feel like a million & refreshed, pronto!


What are some of your travel tips? Any bags or accessories you just can’t get enough of? Drop me a note in the comments!

|| Floral Pants: Hand-Me-Down. Tank & Cardigan: H&M, clearanced. Shoes: Can’t remember. Satchel: Gifted. Necklace & Rings: Gifted & Rummage. Location: Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. ||

–Tara M.


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  • I’m obsessed with my Kavu rope bag (this item but I have a plain tan color: Not sure if it is your style but I love it. The last few times I’ve traveled I put all my normal purse items (wallet, phone, battery + charge cord, lotion, hand sanitizer, a little makeup, etc.) + a couple snacks + water bottle + two books all in my Kavu. Then just looped my cardigan around the rope so I could walk hands free. On the shorter trips, I also had a rolling carry on as my suitcase. It was glorious.

    • Katie — ooooh, I can totally see you using the Kavu bag. So cool! Sounds like it definitely fits a lot of happy things all in ONE bag. #winning. Thanks for sharing!

  • this is amazing. I cannot cannot CANNOT master packing. I am a world class overpacker who always has to go out and do my yearly shopping haul because I don’t know what I might want. annnnnd I usually wear like half of what I pack. because I find one outfit I love and re-wear it three – eight times.

    okay, maybe I’m being a little extreme, but in all honesty, thank you for this post because it’ll be helpful to stay on track next time I pack!

    • Hey Lottie! You’re hilarious, thanks for sharing. The struggle is REAL and I can totally relate about wearing the same thing over and over. Which really, is why this got me thinking about how to pack more efficiently whenever I can! Do you have any upcoming trips? xoxo


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