Forest Park Couples Engagement Session St. Louis, Missouri: Liv & Adam


If you’ve ever wondered what genuine laughter and eyes brimming over with love looks like, this engagement sesh is for you! Contagious would be an understatement.

Meet Liv & Adam.

College sweethearts. The best of friends and endlessly romantic.

They wrote each other the most endearing love letters for this Journal Entry as a small way of sharing with each other, and the world, what they believe: “I have found the one whom my soul loves. For I am my Beloved’s and he is mine.”


“I love the way your face brightens up when you see me walking towards you

and you always acknowledge my presence in the room with a little wave or grin or wink…”


Enjoy this romantic, St Louis Forest Park engagement session and leave some love for them in the comments!

Dearest Adam,

Sometimes I still have trouble believing I get to marry you. Walking through life with you has been way better than I ever anticipated. I have always assumed that I would marry someone who “made sense”, but I never expected to feel overwhelming joy and be loved so well because of another person. But then YOU came along.

When we met freshmen year shooting the basketball, I never could have imagined all of the memories and blessings that would follow. From the very beginning, you have sought ways to intentionally pursue and love me and you’ve made me feel treasured in a way I didn’t even know was possible. You chose me, and even though I’ll never fully understand why, I’m so glad you did.

“Your heart for others and love of laughter were some of the characteristics that drew me to you. After we first met, it didn’t take very long for me to realize we were going to become best friends. I remember when you helped me study for two hours outside on a cold night, for an exam you weren’t even taking. You sent me encouraging texts and a prayer the next day as I was walking to my exam and showed up with apple cider after.

I also remember going to our first college formal together and slow dancing to Christmas songs. You would sing the words to me while we were dancing and sometimes added in your own goofy style. Your stories and humor cause everyone at the dinner table to roar and you work harder than anyone I know. Moments like these have shown me that you are something very special.   

“Adam, you are extraordinary. You are so humble and make others around you feel so welcome. The warm feeling you bring to a room was one of the first things I noticed about you. I know I always say you light up every room you walk into, but that’s not an exaggeration.  There was/is no one you wouldn’t befriend, and you still reach out in love so effortlessly. 

Your bright-blue eyes and genuine smile light up every room you walk into. I love the way your face brightens up when you see me walking towards you and you always acknowledge my presence in the room with a little wave or grin or wink. These small things have meant the world to me and communicate love so strongly.

I am overwhelmed by your attentiveness, tenderness and disposition to serve.

Adam, I deeply admire your love for the Lord and your love for me has been such a clear picture of Christ’s love for the church. I know God had you in mind when He made me.

Thank you so loving me wholeheartedly and steadfastly. When I’m with you, Adam, I truly do feel like I’m home.

Your strong but tender hands hold mine so well and I love our sweet conversations over coffee, where I learn more and more what I love about you. Thank you for walking side-by-side with me. Just like Jack Johnson says, we’re better together. I can’t wait to serve, love, laugh and grow old together…”

To my dearest Liv,

It is crazy to think of how fast the time has gone. I feel like it was just yesterday that I saw you enter our college writing comp class for the first time our freshman year. Goodness how the years have passed. We have made so many great memories together; from our times dancing or being spontaneous to our study and school times, you have always been the focal point of my adventures…

“In past few years of our relationship, it was you that has always brought a smile to my face when I’m down.

It was you that has always comforted me when I needed a hug.

It was you who listened when I needed someone to talk to.

It was you who gave me guidance when I did not know what to do.

It was and is your heart that has always caused mine to skip a beat.

And, most importantly, it was you who always brought me a coffee when I needed one.

“Over these few years, I have seen you change my life in so many ways, that to say you have had a positive influence on my life would be an understatement.

While nothing in this world could truly demonstrate or capture my love, appreciation, or thankfulness for you, I do want to simply thank you in this letter for being the best friend, adventure buddy, and the life coach a human could ask for.

While there are so many things about you that cause me to want to wake up in the morning, I think Ben Rector captures the most important ones when he said,

“It’s the way you’re smilin’ at me,

it’s in the way you hold my hand,

it’s the way I have watched you turn me from a boy into a man,

it’s a million things about you, and I don’t know what it is, but I have never known a love like this.”

Thank you for being the most important thing I could have ever wanted or imagined, simply being you.

Your love forever and always,

Liv & Adam —
We gotta find new words to use because any that come to mind don’t seem to do you two justice! We are obsessed with the way you hold onto each other, love & make the other person laugh. Your joy is contagious and your relationship is already an inspiration. We can’t wait to see how marriage looks on you two…we have a feeling it will be quite the sight and all the feels! LOVE YOU two like heck!
–Tara & Stephen


If you enjoyed this engagement session, feel free to explore more under the Engagements Category here on the Journal.

And in case you’re new around here, our everyday party is on our Instagram: @PattengalePhoto so do come say hi!

–Tara M


Pattengale Photography is a traveling husband and wife duo based out of St Louis, Missouri.
They were named Best of by The Knot and have been published in
both print & online publications nationwide.
If you’re looking for a photographer to capture your love story, anniversary,
or wedding day – drop a note, via the contact page!

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