She roasts her own coffee.
Burns candles & incense because she likes it.
And teaches yoga + always dreaming.
I threw on clothes (though last night we definitely had a sweatpants & cookies party) and brought breakfast over this morning. Because that’s what friends do.
They text “Come over??”
and you just do.
Josh Garrels is playing.
All is calm – despite the full bullet journal of to-do’s beside me.
Today this is what work looks like.
And while I hesitate posting something like this because it feels “#blessed,”
I am really happy AND do feel beyond grateful
to be able to have a job that let’s me pick up and go…
I don’t know what your work looks like.
I don’t know what big dreams you have that you long for,
one day, to come to fruition.
I don’t know what your relationship status is or if you struggle with the ache of loneliness.
But I do know that we weren’t meant to do life alone.
Community – everyone needs it.
Everyone needs a friend who just does life with you.
So here’s me saying: I see you.
You, dreamer.
You, questioner.
You, go-getter.
And hey, everyone needs a little spontaneity
– so tell me, what’s one thing you can do for yourself
& your dream (the one you maybe haven’t ever voiced before)
this weekend?
We’re all in this together!
–Tara M